My experience at EJR-Quartz


A few months ago, I had to find an internship in an English-speaking company for my school’s Cambridge programme. Because Linda Carrette who works at EJR-Quartz and I live near each other, I asked if I could do my internship there. This was allowed so a few months later I had my one week long internship there.

At the start I was very nervous as I barely knew anyone who worked there, but I quickly started worrying less since everyone there was so nice and helpful. After arriving there on Monday and meeting everyone who was present that day, I could start doing small tasks.

EJR-Quartz Content Matters log

The things I did in the past week include doing a small reflection on the site as they wanted to know whether it was fully clear to someone who didn’t exactly know who they were, updating the book list for a future library, making barcodes for the library cards and later making the library cards, translating four scripts for animations about Hera and her job and designing a logo patch for EJR-Quartz.


My favourite thing to do was making the logo patch as I really enjoy almost everything that has anything to do with art. I got to sketch some ideas and later digitalise the final one, I had a lot of fun doing so.

My school also gave me a few assignments to do while at EJR-Quartz, I had to answer a few questions about the workplace and interview two people about their job.

Chica, the office dog

They had no issue with helping me with the questions, and I almost immediately had both interviews planned. I did one with Oana Grigore and one with Mariana, David and Joana from the Science Office.

In the end I was very happy I was able to do my internship at EJR-Quartz. The people were amazing, it felt like they were all one big friend group. At lunch break everyone would sit together, have fun conversations and laugh about the dog Chica asking everyone for a bit of their food.

The work I did was also enjoyable, it was different from what I would normally do in school, and I think I learned quite a lot from only being there for one week. It was a great experience in general and I’m glad I got to do it!

Being a part of Ariane 5’s history

Our editor Camilla MacMillan-Hughes supported ESA’s Space Transportation directorate for almost a decade. After assisting the launcher’s communications for such a long time, she was featured on ESA’s ‘Portraits of Ariane 5’ series and shared her experiences in an interview.

“I was the editor for ESA’s Space Transportation (formerly ‘Launchers’) directorate working part time for nine years until March 2023, based at ESA ESTEC in the Netherlands.

“One of my tasks was to write news articles and produce other media for the ESA web portal about Ariane 5, its launches and technical developments. It’s important to get the level of technical detail right, to appeal to rocket enthusiasts as well as the general public, and to make it interesting and understandable by an international audience.

“I previously worked for the company that developed the software and user interface for the Jupiter Control Centre display system on the wall and consoles. As the technical writer there, I wrote the French user manuals for the system administrator and operators.

“Who doesn’t like watching a rocket launch? Rockets are magnificent and cool but everything has to be perfect before the ‘GO’ for launch is given. I liked to see the teams in the control room, their anticipation, concentration, then their relief and joy. Given Ariane 5’s stunning reliability it was easy to forget how much of an accomplishment every successful launch is – and how much it matters to these people.

“Covering launches was always very exciting and a little nerve-racking too. When the Arianespace broadcast started I would have that feeling: the launch is beginning! ESA mission launches involved a whole team. There’s a great sense of camaraderie and belonging.

“But for most commercial launches, occurring in the early hours of the morning European time, there would only be a couple of us from Communications online. I’m a night owl so was happy to be covering these launches and publishing from home. My cat would love to join me and his paws often reached out onto my keyboard!

“It was exhilarating – the countdown, the roar of the Vulcain engine, and liftoff! After Arianespace announced launch success, I would publish my prepared ESA article and update background pages before going to bed.

“In the early days, the picture at the top of the article would be my screenshot taken at exactly eight seconds after the liftoff announcement as Ariane 5 left the ground (it was the best view in the frame of the TV broadcast and sometimes this could be tricky to capture as network technology was not what it is now).

“Nowadays Europe’s Spaceport sends out beautiful high-resolution photos soon after liftoff. Of course, the best launches to watch were during the daytime, when there was a clear view and blue skies.

“One of the most intense launch campaigns for me was for the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, which lifted off on Christmas Day in 2021. In the month leading up to launch, I published something every day about Ariane 5 and spaceport activities. What crowned it all was the perfect launch injection which saved fuel which will extend Webb’s expected lifetime.

“As part of outreach, Ariane 5 was also an important part of ESA Open days. This was a chance to get together with some of my STS colleagues from HQ. Our stand had rocket models, posters, brochures and quizzes for kids. It was great fun to create the stand and meet the enthusiastic public.”

“Ariane 5 is an incredible feat of engineering and I’m very proud to have been part of the team helping the public to follow and understand its evolution.

“I never missed a launch in all the time I worked for Space Transportation. I have moved on from STS but am still keen to watch our European launchers lift off. The final Ariane 5 launch, for me, marked the end of an era.”

Nine years later, Camilla continues as an editor at EJR-Quartz for ESA, but now writes for the ‘Business with ESA’ portal.

(Interview and images credit: ESA)

Covering the return of a European astronaut

ESA project astronaut Marcus Wandt returned from space

On 10 February ESA project astronaut Marcus Wandt returned from space, and our Human Spaceflight editor Laura Zurmuehlen was on hand to cover it, on behalf of ESA. This was Laura’s fourth live coverage of a Direct Return, and she shared the experience with us.

Direct returns are always a special moment, and I feel fortunate when I get the chance to be there, in the middle of the action, reporting live from the event. It’s one of those moments when all the hard work during astronaut missions reaches a final milestone, and you get to see the astronaut you have worked with while they were in space, in person again — just a few hours or a day after they have been floating in space.

It’s an incredible experience to get the prime spot in the front row at the airport and capture the first moments of an astronaut stepping out of the plane back in Europe. This moment must be emotional for them as well! And I have the privilege of capturing this on camera and sharing it with all the space fans who cannot be on-site.

The general feeling is always super positive, with people excited to welcome back the astronaut. Everyone is in a happy mood, and this time we had amazing weather!

As always, Marcus had the biggest smile when he came out of the plane and walked towards the cheering crowd – it was amazing to be part of this moment.

(Banner image credit: ESA)

Creating ESA Highlights 2023: a print editor’s experience

ESA Highlights 2023

ESA Highlights is a publication that showcases the key achievements of the European Space Agency throughout the year. Our print editor Jan Kordys, who joined us in April 2023, got to produce it for the first time and told us all about it.

Curating the ESA Highlights 2023 as a new editor in the space domain proved to be both a delightful and daunting experience. Looking back, I couldn’t have asked for a better introduction to ESA. In a relatively short span, I had to cover the full spectrum of ESA’s activities, notably through interviews – each one as captivating as the last – with individuals from nearly every ESA site.

The combination of passion, knowledge, and patience (towards me!) exhibited by these individuals truly amazed me. If we have succeeded in showcasing the amazing, interesting, and important work they are doing, then I believe we have accomplished our mission.

If I had to talk about the most challenging aspects, it would certainly be the difficulty of finding the most appropriate way of combining text and images, both pictures and infographics, and popularising the most difficult subjects, such as the application of quantum mechanics in space. Ultimately, it’s up to our readers to decide whether we have met these challenges!

It’s important to note that the annual publication of ESA Highlights is always a collaborative effort. This edition, in particular, presented a unique challenge as I took over as the print editor from our colleague Bija Knowles in April. Bija played a significant role in the preparation process, outlining subjects for the four in-depth articles and providing invaluable advice throughout. She authored an outstanding article on the Juice mission and assisted with proofreading, all while managing her new responsibilities.

Special recognition also goes to Federica Mezzo, the design wizard, and Rosa Tedesco, who are part of the ESA/EJR-Quartz consortium and crafted a remarkable interactive version. The coordination of the entire project was overseen by my ESA manager and Head of Print Media and Merchandising Production Office, Hugo Simões.

(Banner: ESA Highlights 2023. Credit: ESA.)

EJR-Quartz at the Reinventing Space Conference

As technology advances and becomes more accessible, the world is witnessing a new era of space exploration. Private space companies are leading the way towards more agile, innovative and greater-risk technologies, which is driving the established players in the field to embrace ‘New Space’. As a contractor for many organisations in the space sector, EJR-Quartz recognises the importance of staying abreast of the latest developments in the industry. That is one of the reasons why we are taking part in the 20th Reinventing Space Conference from 11 to 13 October 2023.

Credit: The British Interplanetary Society

Organised by the British Interplanetary Society, this year’s theme is ‘The Evolving Architecture of New Space’, centred around the key benefits and challenges of these novel economic models. The first day of the conference featured a series of incredible talks given by representatives of various ‘New Space’ companies, as well as established corporations such as Airbus.

Throughout the conference, our representatives will be showcasing our communication and graphic design services to the participants. In addition to attending the many talks and networking with industry and academic peers, we are also using this opportunity to engage with talented enthusiastic students, informing them about our work and possible job opportunities. We will be actively participating in the conference’s Careers Day on Friday 13 October, hoping to enthuse young academics to choose a career in science communication.

Aside from our day-filling programme, there is also time for some fun and games, where we try to command one of only two ISS docking simulators in the world, with mixed success.

DLR wins a prize in the Digital Communication Awards 2023

We are proud to announce that the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) won the Digital Communication Awards 2023 in the category ‘Campaigns from Associations and Institutions’ … with a little help from us. The award was presented during the online award ceremony last Friday, 29 September 2023. DLR shares first place with Helmholtz Munich’s ‘Kids are Heroes’ campaign.

DLR’s MARE communication campaign featured a Twitter takeover by two female mannequins aboard the Orion spacecraft during the Artemis I mission to the Moon. The campaign had previously been shortlisted for the German Online Communication Award 2023.

The award recognises the notable results of the Artemis I Takeover. The campaign shed light on the critical issue of high radiation exposure to humans beyond Earth’s protective magnetic field, particularly during long-term missions to the Moon and Mars. The Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment (MARE), led by DLR, marked a significant milestone by measuring radiation exposure to the female body beyond the International Space Station (ISS) orbit.

Under contract to DLR, we manage their primary English-language social media accounts on X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Facebook. The narrative of the two mannequins, Helga and Zohar, unfolded on Twitter through dialogues with the crew on board the Orion spacecraft – NASA’s mannequin Commander Moonikin Campus and ‘baahstronaut’ Shaun the Sheep, with Helga communicating via @DLR_en, Zohar via @ILSpaceAgency and Campos via @NASAArtemis. The ‘Luna Twins’ also engaged with accounts from other space agencies and industrial partners involved in the Artemis I mission, such as @esaspaceflight and @AirbusSpace.

Through the takeover, DLR provided insights into the experiment, its goal to address the gender data gap, and the historic journey to the Moon and back. The jury evaluated the campaign based on consistency and appropriateness of tactics, tools and channels as well as strategy and target audience.

Related links

Finding the sound of Earth’s winds

Our social media editor Peter Bickerton takes us behind the scenes of Life of Aeolus, a music project he supported on behalf of the European Space Agency.

What’s the perfect way to tell the story of the life of a wind satellite?

One that had so many intricate parts, orchestrated by expert teams across Europe, skilfully mastering instruments and data?

A music piece formed by a mixture of wind instruments seemed the perfect choice.

Much like Aeolus transformed our seemingly invisible winds into data that hugely improved weather forecasts, woodwind instruments turn breaths into beautiful sounds.

That idea became reality through the Life of Aeolus sonification. The result is beautiful.

Making the Life of Aeolus

Earlier in the year, we were introduced to composer Jamie Perera after a beautiful journal called Wild Alchemy featured ESA Aeolus Mission Manager Tommaso Parrinello in their Air Edition.

We initially teamed up to see how we might turn some Aeolus data into music. After linking him up with Daniel Santillan of EOX, Jamie produced an eerie soundtrack of the winds above Hunga Tonga’s dramatic eruption in 2022.

Who better to create the Life of Aeolus?

Again, Jamie and Daniel put their heads together to turn five years of a satellite mission into a half hour orchestral piece.

The task sounds monumental.

But bit by bit, it all came together.

Every day of Aeolus became a second of music.

Each layer of the winds Aeolus measured, in vertical profiles up to 30 km above Earth’s surface, were matched to the notes on a keyboard (imagine a keyboard on its side).

Ranges were then ascribed to musical instruments. Piccolos would play the tops of clouds, whilst the bassoon and bass clarinet would represent the layer closest to Earth’s surface.

In between, clarinets, flutes and oboes played Aeolus’s winds, and other data such as air temperature and pressure.

It’s much more complicated than this

Turning data into music – particularly five years’ worth of data – isn’t easy. In fact, it could quite easily sound like an unmelodious racket.

But sonification is an art as well as a science. There’s a balance to be struck between ultimate accuracy and musicality.

“It required some aesthetic decisions because having so many data playing at once could potentially sound quite cacophonous,” explains Jamie. “It’s a balancing act between having something that’s both accurate to the data and accessible to the audience.”

There were plenty of other considerations, and some quite ingenious ways to turn wind data into notes.

One nifty trick was choosing the right mode, a type of scale. Jamie went for the Lydian mode, which, he says “has an expansive, pioneering sort of feel to it, which was perfect for Aeolus.”

A beautiful end to a pioneering mission

As far as we know, this is the first time anyone has turned satellite data into an orchestral woodwind piece.

It’s fitting. Aeolus is a feat of European innovation and teamwork that put the first ever laser in space to measure global winds. After many trials and tribulations, it was a whopping success.

Weather forecasters used the data to fill gaps in weather data during Covid lockdowns, when planes (that would normally provide weather data) were grounded.

The same effect helped improve hurricane forecasts where it wasn’t possible to fly reconnaissance trips.

Now, ESA’s wind mission will return to Earth – in a pioneering attempt to improve space safety and sustainability for future generations.

Aeolus’s achievements are too many to list here. It’s best to enjoy them through the sounds of the wonderful mission that will see a follow-on launch within a decade.

All the best, Aeolus.

Find out more on ESA channels

Listen to the Life of Aeolus on SoundCloud

Watch the video on YouTubeRead the article on

MARE campaign shortlisted for Online Communication Award 2023

We are happy to be part of the Online Communication Awards 2023 in Berlin, Germany on 30 June. Together with the Social Media team of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), EJR-Quartz’s Sara Emily Kehrer presented the MARE communication campaign. The campaign involved a Twitter takeover by the two female mannequins on board the Orion spacecraft on the Artemis I mission forward to the Moon. Beginning of June, it was announced that the campaign was shortlisted for the award.

There are 50 categories in total, ranging from Purpose Driven Communication to Internal Campaign Communications. DLR made the shortlist of the top five entries in the category of Science, Education & Culture for the impressive results achieved during the MARE communication campaign. This category honours online events that are unique in their scope of creative planning and implementation. The jury evaluates the projects based on their strategic approach, creativity, innovation, implementation and efficiency.

As part of our contract with DLR, we are involved in a variety of their English-language communications projects, including managing the main accounts on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. The story of the two mannequins, Helga and Zohar, unfolded on Twitter in dialogues between the crew on board the Orion spacecraft. This included NASA’s mannequin Commander Moonikin Campus, as well as ‘baahstronaut’ Shaun the Sheep. For an entire day, Helga ‘conversed’ with her crew via @DLR_en, Zohar via @ILSpaceAgency and Campos via @NASAArtemis. The ‘Luna Twins’ also interacted with accounts of other space agencies and industrial partners involved in the Artemis I mission, such as @esaspaceflight and @AirbusSpace.

Outside Earth’s protective magnetic field, radiation exposure is very high for humans. It poses a considerable health risk for future crews on long-term missions to the Moon and Mars. That is why it is crucial to determine this exposure more precisely and to develop measures to protect astronauts. The international Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment (MARE) led by DLR was the first to measure the radiation exposure to the female body beyond the orbit of the International Space Station ISS. 

Through the Twitter takeover, Helga and Zohar shared insights into the experiment, its goal to help close the gender data gap and their historical journey to the Moon and beyond. Artemis I is the first in a series of increasingly complex missions that will enable human exploration to the Moon and Mars. The mission lasted around 25 days, in which the spacecraft broke the distance record held by Apollo 13 and sent back spectacular images of Earth’s satellite.

Later today, the team will attend the Award Gala. We are proud to be a part of the Artemis generation and to share the fascinating science with the world through the eyes of Helga and Zohar. We wish Sara and her DLR colleagues the best of luck tonight.

For more information, visit the website and check out #LunaTwins on Twitter!

Related links

EJR-Quartz for the German Aerospace Center (DLR)

We are delighted to announce that we have once again been awarded the contract with the Department of Corporate Communications at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) for cross media English-language editorial support. We will be supporting DLR for the next four years.

EJR-Quartz has been providing English-language support to DLR’s Corporate Communications Department since 2005. Our work with DLR involves the production, translation, editing, and publication of web articles, press releases and the DLRmagazine, and the maintenance of the English-language web portal. In addition, we are also responsible for managing their corporate English-language social media channels, providing live event coverage and providing support for the German corporate social media platforms.

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its extensive research and development work in aeronautics, space, energy, transport, digitalisation, and security is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. In addition to its own research, as Germany’s space agency, DLR has been given responsibility by the federal government for the planning and implementation of the German space programme. DLR is also the umbrella organisation for one of Germany’s largest project management agencies.

Our new four-year service contract, the fourth with DLR, has been extended until the end of February 2027. We’re excited to see what the future with DLR will bring!

Helping ESA to tell its story – episode 2

We’re delighted to announce that our contract to provide 360-degree communications services to the European Space Agency (ESA) has been extended for a further two years, to end 2024.

Back in 2019 ESA was looking for a single communications service for all its channels, across three main pillars: editorial, video/image and graphics. Early in 2020 a fourth pillar was added, for outreach and media relations support. We teamed up with graphics experts Publicis Sapient, TV and video veterans World Wide Group and ATG Europe to form a consortium dedicated to providing integrated communications solutions to ensure the Agency speaks with one voice, on message, every time.

As the Prime contractor, EJR-Quartz provides all editorial, social media and publishing services; Worldwide Group is responsible for the video and related distribution services, including ESA TV and ESA Web TV; Publicis Sapient provides graphics services, including CVI and environmental branding; while ATG Europe provides media relations and outreach services.

Our three-year service contract has been extended until the end of 2024 and we’re proud to continue to help ESA to tell the next chapter in its story, from the Moon to Mars and beyond!

EJR-Quartz goes weightless: a parabolic flight experience with Laylan

ESA Education’s manifesto is learning by doing, and as editor and content producer for the department our colleague Laylan Saadaldin got to experience this first-hand. She joined researchers, including two university student teams, for the 79th ESA Parabolic Flight Campaign, a mission she will remember for the rest of her life.

Laylan, take us through this amazing day at work.

We flew to Novespace in Bordeaux to board the Air Zero G, an aircraft that flies in parabolas providing researchers 20-second bursts of weightlessness to test their experiments. ESA Academy’s PETRI programme offers university student teams access to this (and more!) gravity platforms. I tagged along to film the student experience of this programme, which included the mind-blowing sensation of floating, sure, but also stress, disappointment, trouble shooting and even some failure. Science is hard and you have to be able to adapt and respond quickly. As it happens, filming science requires similar skills – when you’re a fly on the wall, you have to be ready to move out of the way but still get what you need. But it’s fair to say that for both science and communication, the effort is worth it. And because I’m never one to let an opportunity pass me by, we also shot some content for ESA Kids on the complicated wonder that is gravity. Look out for both episodes on ESA Education!

Fun fact: a campaign is made up of three flights, and each flight has a ‘media’ seat reserved for journalists, content creators and influencers to promote the science and experience of a zero-G flight. Joining this campaign was Jamie from Cosmic Kids Yoga, whom adults with kids might know from lockdown experience as a life saver! Cosmic Kids collaborated with ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti during her Minerva mission to create a yoga plan for her aboard the ISS. You can do this at home, by the way. Find this cool bonus activity on the Mission X: Train like an Astronaut. Jamie got to try out her yoga sequence in weightlessness, and I can’t wait to see how that turned out.

But Laylan, tell us how you really feel about going weightless.

I’ll do one better, I’ll show you!

EJR-Quartz at world’s largest Earth observation event

ESA’s Living Planet Symposium (LPS), held every three years, is the largest Earth observation conference in the world. Last week, the event drew record-breaking numbers of remote sensing experts and data users from around the world to convene in the German city of Bonn, to share their latest findings on how Earth observation satellites help mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. EJR-Quartz editors for ESA were present in full strength, contributing to the large ESA team who made the live symposium possible. The ESA Web TV production team made sure the main sessions of LPS were live-streamed and recorded as many interviews with key players as possible. The team shot about ten interviews in two days – the highlight being chatting to an astronaut!

EJR-Quartz video producer Gaelle Legroux interviews Luca Parmitano live at LPS22.

With over 240 scientific sessions and over 1370 oral presentations, as well as over 80 agora sessions in the dramatic exhibition hall centred around an enormous replica of Earth, EJR-Quartz social media editors were working at full speed all week to keep the community connected to the pulse of LPS.

With the overarching theme of, “Taking the pulse of our planet from space” the event highlighted how the systematic use of Earth observation data can realise many benefits as we work to combat the climate crisis. EJR-Quartz editors published a wealth of stories on topics emerging from LPS, such as what satellites can reveal about climate tipping points, the ambitions of ESA’s FutureEO programme and the quantum revolution in the way measurements are made from space.

On ESA’s technical portals, Sentinel Online and Earth Online, our editors published news stories on the Copernicus Sentinel satellites and the latest updates from ESA’s many families of Earth observation satellites. A highlight was when Declan Perry and Susan Kelly hosted two drop-in sessions to introduce ESA’s Sentiboard, the new online forum that fosters collaboration among Sentinel data users, enabling quick and easy sharing of updates on Earth observation science and applications.

Design matters: Science Office joins EJR-Quartz

After six years of close collaboration, we are delighted to announce that EJR-Quartz and the Science Office are now one. By bringing the Science Office’s expert graphics and video skills under our umbrella, EJR-Quartz is now able to offer a complete package of top-quality science communication services entirely in house.

The team at the Science Office have years of experience transforming complex scientific concepts and data into images and animations that illuminate and engage audiences, whatever their age and background. Over the years, they have worked with EJR-Quartz on a range of content, animations featuring the ESA Education mascot, Paxi, to the new Hera video being released for Asteroid Day 2019.

Signed and sealed in early May, the acquisition is the start of an exciting new chapter for EJR-Quartz. With even more creative minds in the mix, we’re better placed than ever to deliver end-to-end communication solutions built on content that matters.

Vacancy: EO social media editor, ESRIN, Italy


Do you have excellent social media skills and a passion for digital storytelling? Then we’d like to hear from you! We’re looking for an experienced and highly motivated social media and digital content editor with an interest in science and aerospace.

You will be part of our service team that supports the European Space Agency (ESA) with their Agency-wide communication needs. Your role will be to support social media related to ESA’s Earth Observation (EO) Programme activities.

We’re looking for someone with:

  • Deep familiarity with major social media platforms and content management platforms
  • 2+ years of hands-on experience running social media and creating digital content for an organisation with a significant public presence, preferably in the aerospace or environment field;
  • Bachelor’s degree in journalism, digital media communications or related field and/or scientific or technical subject
  • Strong communication and editing skills (mother-tongue English standard) with a flair for science storytelling
  • Understanding of what it takes to execute social media strategy within the wider framework of a corporate communications strategy
  • 2+ years of experience working with social media management tools, running successful campaigns and assessing metrics/analytics
  • 1+ year’s experience using video, audio, and other multimedia elements on social media
  • Experience and expertise with photo and video editing tools, such as Adobe PhotoShop, Final Cut, or Adobe Premiere, as well as social-only tools for GIFs, etc.
  • Ability to work under pressure and with tight deadlines, as part of a social media team

Working with the Earth Observation Social Media Strategist, your tasks will be to:

  • Implement the ESA EO social media strategy
  • Run EO social media channels based on EO content
  • Source, write and edit content daily to support the digital strategy
  • Investigate ways for EO to partner, engage, reach out to and with various platforms
  • Work as part of the EO communications team, under the responsibility of the EO Communications Officer
  • Liaise closely with the ESA-wide social media team to achieve the highest visibility for EO activities on the ‘corporate’ channels
  • Support the Social Media Strategist in collaborating with appropriate external entities/partners/agencies
  • Search for opportunities to tell Earth observation stories
  • Report on EO social media in line with best practice in order to show return rate on a weekly/event basis
  • Stay abreast of social media developments/new channels and make recommendations on their use for Earth Observation
  • Propose and support targeted EO social media campaigns
  • Engage with the EO social media community and influencers

Contractual matters

The position is full-time and on-site at ESRIN, ESA’s establishment in Frascati, Italy. You therefore must have the right to live and work in Italy. You will be employed directly by EJR-Quartz srl, within our communications service team for ESA. It will normally be a one-year contract, with possibility of renewal.

EJR-Quartz is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud of our diverse team with a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.

Closing date: 10 August 2024

Start date: January 2025.

Salary range: 2900-3200 EUR gross per month (based on 14 monthly payments per year)

Find out more about our company and meet our multinational team at:

If you think this is for you, tell us why you’d like to join our team. Please send your cover letter, CV and references to:

Or reach out to us on LinkedIn or social media and let’s talk!

(Banner: ESA’s ESRIN facility in Frascati, Italy. Credit: ESA)

Vacancy: Science editor/writer

Do you like writing about exciting new developments in space? Do you have a flair for science storytelling and a degree in science or science communication? Then we are looking for you!

We have several vacancies for mother-tongue (or equivalent) English writer/editors in the UK, the Netherlands and Italy, working onsite as part of our communications service team for the European Space Agency (ESA).

We support ESA’s communication strategy, across all programmes, including space science, human and robotic exploration, Earth observation, satellite navigation, space transportation, technology, operations and connectivity.

Does this sound like you?  Apply now!


The successful candidate will have:

  • Mother-tongue (or equivalent) English
  • The right to live and work in the UK, Italy or the Netherlands
  • An Honours degree in science, engineering or communications/journalism
  • Minimum of three years’ experience in writing and editing
  • A flair for science storytelling
  • Demonstrable experience in presenting scientific and technical subjects in a style accessible for general public
  • Hands-on experience of planning and running social media/digital campaigns
  • Familiarity with space topics an advantage
  • Knowledge of a second European language is an asset

Job description

The editor will write, edit and publish articles and other content on ESA’s activities in mother-tongue English for ESA’s online channels. This may include script-writing and storyboarding, and social media campaigns.

Working as part of the communications team, tasks include to:

  • Write and edit content in English on topics relevant to ESA’s activities
  • Ensure that all content published is in English and compliant with ESA editorial guidelines and agreed approval processes
  • Ensure content publishing on the ESA online channels
  • Support social media campaigns and channels
  • Liaise with other ESA social media team members
  • Support the communications officer in executing communications plans and campaigns, and provide input to communications plans
  • Liaise closely with the rest of the communications team to ensure coherence and maximum visibility of the activities

Does this sound like you? Tell us why you think you are the right fit for one of these roles. Send your CV and cover letter to: or reach out via social media to @ejrquartz

You’ll find us on X, Instagram or LinkedIn.

Contractual matters

You’ll be based onsite in ECSAT (Harwell, UK), ESTEC (Noordwijk, the Netherlands), or ESRIN (Frascati, Italy) and therefore you must have the right to work in the country that you are applying for. This will be a one-year contract, with possibility of renewal.

Start date: 1 January 2025

Closing date: 10 August 2024

Salary range: 46kEUR-50kEUR annual gross wage (£48,000-£52,000), based on a full-time position (40 hrs per week). 

Learn more about our company and meet the team at:

EJR-Quartz is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud of our diverse team with a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.

Please note that only applications in English will be considered. During the application process we may perform a check of your social media channels. If you do not agree to such screening, please let us know when you apply. Any data collected during the application process will of course be processed according to EU GDPR. For more information, please check our Data Policy.

(Banner: ESA’s ECSAT facility in Harwell, UK. Credit: ESA)

Vacancy: Editor with print experience, at ESA/ESRIN

Do you have an eye for detail and a passion for science storytelling? Then come and join our editorial team for ESA/ESRIN in Italy! We have an opening for an English editor experienced in writing for print and digital publications and able to present scientific and technical topics in a style accessible for the general public. The position is full-time for EJR-Quartz, as part of our Communications service team for the European Space Agency, onsite at ESA ESRIN in Frascati, Italy.

We are looking for

We are looking for a mother-tongue (or equivalent) English editor, with a minimum of three years of demonstrable experience in writing and editing for print and managing print and digital productions. Candidates must have experience in presenting scientific and technical subjects in a style accessible for the general public and meticulous editing skills.

The successful candidate will have:

  • Mother-tongue level of English
  • A minimum of 3 years of writing/editing experience
  • Excellent writing, editing and proof-reading skills
  • Honours degree in journalism/communications, science or engineering
  • Demonstrable skill in presenting scientific and technical subjects in an accessible way
  • Experience in following print products throughout the entire publishing cycle
  • Experience with InDesign and similar tools
  • Italian residence and work permit

The fine print

The Print Editor is responsible for writing and editing a range of print and digital content, in mother-tongue English. Tasks include:

  • Writing and editing of material for ESA’s print and digital productions, in mother-tongue English
  • Supporting the Head of Office in maintaining a catalogue of print publications to be produced by ESA
  • Overseeing creation and production of print publications from conception to distribution: managing the schedule and approvals, interfacing with authors and customers, editing content, working closely with designers
  • Researching images, fact-checking and writing accurate captions for all products
  • Ensuring that all material is in line with ESA editorial house style and approved according to agreed processes

Contractual matters

Our new team member will be employed directly by EJR-Quartz srl, as part of our Communications Service contract for ESA, working onsite at ESA ESRIN in Frascati, Italy. An Italian residence and work permit is obligatory. This is a one-year contract, with possibility of renewal. The start date is 1 January 2025.

Closing date: 10 August 2024.

Salary range: 3300-3400 EUR gross per month ×14 months, based on full-time position (40 hrs per week)

If you think this is for you, tell us why you’d like to work with us. Please send your cover letter, CV and references to: or reach out via social media to @ejrquartz

You’ll find us on X, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Our company

EJR-Quartz is an international company specialised in science communication, particularly related to space. Our multinational team of digital content experts is spread across five European countries, serving a number of clients, mainly in the aerospace sector.

EJR-Quartz is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud of our diverse team with a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.

Learn more about our company and meet the team at:

(Banner: ESA’s ESRIN facility in Frascati, Italy. Credit: ESA)

Vacancy: Communication specialist for ESA’s human resources activities

We are looking for a communications specialist with experience in human resources/internal communications. As part of the EJR-Quartz communications service team for the European Space Agency (ESA), you will be working within the Talent Acquisition team to help develop and implement internal HR communication strategies in line with business needs and existing policies.

We’re looking for someone with…

  • At least four years’ experience working in a similar role, preferably for a communications team of a large international organisation
  • Master’s degree in communications, human resources management, business administration or equivalent studies
  • Excellent communication and networking skills in English
  • The capacity to engage and work effectively with people at all levels of an organisation
  • Flexibility and a capacity to adapt to changing circumstances
  • Ability to work calmly under pressure
  • The ability to help plan and implement communication strategies and campaigns
  • A proactive approach to managing projects and the ability to work under pressure and with tight deadlines

We also value…

  • A positive approach with a can-do attitude
  • A solution-oriented mindset and readiness to take initiative
  • The ability to operate in a friendly, client focused, professional and discreet manner at all times
  • Experience working in an international environment with government organisations
  • Knowledge of French an advantage

Your tasks will include:

  • Supporting the preparation and implementation of internal communication strategies for ESA’s Human Resources department
  • Working with the corporate internal communications team to maximise synergies
  • Supporting HR change management projects and development activities
  • Developing relevant communications campaigns and providing expert advice
  • Keeping up-to-date with changes in communication policies and processes likely to impact HR activities
  • Coordinating and implementing communication activities on HR topics, including potentially sensitive issues and crisis communications
  • Monitoring and evaluating the impact of campaigns

Contractual matters

The successful candidate will be employed directly by EJR-Quartz. The position is part-time (0.5 FTE) and off-site but occasional presence at one of the ESA sites would be appreciated. This is a temporary contract until 31 December 2024, with possibility of renewal. The optimal start date is 1 September 2024 or as close to this date as possible.

Closing date: 10 August 2024 at 12:30 CEST.

Salary range: 1800-2000 EUR gross per month based on 0.5 FTE, depending on experience.

Learn more about our company and meet the team at:

If you think this is for you, tell us why you’d like to join our team. Please send your cover letter, CV and references to:

EJR-Quartz is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud of our diverse team with a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.

Please note that only applications in English will be considered. During the application process we may perform a quick check of your social media channels. If you do not agree to such screening, please let us know when you apply. Any data collected during the application process will of course be processed according to EU GDPR. For more information, please check our Data Policy.

(Banner: ESA’s ESTEC facility in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Credit: ESA)

Vacancy: Web developer – IT support, Leiden, The Netherlands

We are looking for an IT all-rounder with an interest in user design and web development who also likes to dabble in cyber security and software development. Someone with a sound knowledge of programming and implementation, and a creative mind to help develop our own and our client’s web portals and associated web applications. Is this you?

We are looking for a person with experience for a full-time position based at our Leiden office, The Netherlands.

The successful candidate will have:

  • A degree in web development, design, information technology, or software engineering
  • An aptitude for user design, web design/development, application building, programming and other relevant skills
  • An excellent grasp of the English language
  • Good knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, Javascript,
  • Basic knowledge of jQuery, RESTful APIs and JSON
  • Experience with integrating APIs into web applications
  • Knowledge of WordPress theming and customising and experience with different CMS platforms
  • Good knowledge of responsive design and mobile-first applications
  • Basic knowledge of pre-processors such as SASS/SCSS

We also value:

  • Experience with graphic design/video editing
  • Experience with data analytics
  • A proactive approach to managing projects and the ability to work with tight deadlines
  • Experience of working in compliance with corporate guidelines
  • Great communication and networking skills

The fine print

You will be working together with the EJR-Quartz Technical Expert and their counterparts on the client side, as well as a range of external providers to support the further development of online communication channels, associated websites and a suite of web applications.

Your tasks will include to:

  • Integrate front-end components into web pages
  • Customise WordPress themes and components
  • Integrate APIs into web applications
  • Produce in-house UI templates according to specifications provided
  • Conduct technical tests on developed or delivered components
  • Provide technical assistance for user and administrative support on various content management systems
  • Stay up to date with the latest digital trends and tools to proactively meet our needs and those of our clients
  • Create web templates based on previously approved UX and UI

Does this sound like you? Tell us why you think you’re the right fit for this exciting role by sending your CV and cover letter to: or reach out via social media to @ejrquartz

You’ll find us on X, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Contractual matters

The successful candidate will be under contract with EJR-Quartz B.V in The Netherlands. The job is onsite at our Leiden office. Hybrid working is a possibility after the first three months. Candidates must be eligible to live and work in The Netherlands. This contract is full-time (part-time negotiable) and will run for 1 year initially with a strong possibility of renewal.

Starting date would be 1 August 2024 or as close as possible.

Closing date: 10 August 2024 at 12:30 CEST

Salary range: 3600-3900 EUR per month (+8% holiday allowance) based on 1 FTE, depending on experience.

Our company

EJR-Quartz is an international company specialised in science communication, particularly related to space. Our multinational team of digital content specialists is spread across five European countries, serving a number of clients, mainly in the aerospace sector.

Like every good company, EJR-Quartz is all about people. We are very proud of our employees and the fact that we have such a diverse team of highly dedicated staff. As an equal opportunity employer our team brings together a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills and we firmly believe that the more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.

Learn more about our company and meet the team at:

Please note that only applications in English will be considered. During the application process we may perform a quick check of your social media channels. If you do not agree to such screening, please let us know when you apply. Any data collected during the application process will of course be processed according to EU GDPR. For more information, please check our Data Policy.

Vacancy: Assistant Human Resources Manager

A photo of the Molen de Valk in Leiden

***Applications closed*** Have you been working as HR professional in an international organisation and are looking for a change? Then this job may be for you.

We are looking for an experienced human resources professional to help out with our HR needs. You will be working closely together with our HR manager in our Leiden office in The Netherlands to help with payroll, recruiting, liaising with employees and training/onboarding.

We’re looking for someone with…

  • At least four years’ experience working in a similar role, preferably for an international organisation
  • A degree in human resources management, business administration or equivalent studies
  • Extensive knowledge of Dutch employment law
  • Fluency in Dutch and excellent communication skills in English
  • The capacity to engage and work effectively with people at all levels of an organisation
  • Flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances
  • A proactive approach and the ability to work under pressure and with tight deadlines

We also value…

  • A can-do attitude
  • A solution-oriented mindset and readiness to take initiative
  • The ability to operate in a friendly, professional and discreet manner at all times
  • Experience working in an international environment
  • Knowledge of international employment law (mainly European laws)
  • A keen eye for detail

Your tasks will include:

  • Supporting our HR manager with payroll and other administrative tasks
  • Liaising with payroll and pension implementors and intermediaries
  • Supporting internal communications and onboarding strategies
  • Keeping up-to-date with changes in HR law in Europe and The Netherlands in particular
  • Helping to formalise HR strategies and coordinate communication activities

Contractual matters

The position is part-time (0.6-0.8 FTE) and on-site in our Leiden office. Hybrid working is possible after the first three months. This is a 1-year contract, with possibility of renewal. The optimal start date is 1 August 2024.

Closing date: 22 July 2024 at 12:30 CEST.

Salary range: 3600-4000 EUR per month (+8% holiday allowance) based on 0.8 FTE, depending on experience.

Learn more about our company and meet the team at:

If you think this is for you, tell us why you’d like to join our team. Please send your cover letter, CV and references to:

EJR-Quartz is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud of our diverse team with a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.

Please note that only applications in English will be considered. During the application process we may perform a quick check of your social media channels. If you do not agree to such screening, please let us know when you apply. Any data collected during the application process will of course be processed according to EU GDPR. For more information, please check our Data Policy.

Stellenausschreibung: Redakteur/in fließend in Deutsch und Englisch

***Bewerbung geschlossen*** Du bist ein/e erfahrene/r deutschsprachige/r Redakteur/in mit einem starken wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund und einem Gespür für die Übersetzung ins Deutsche und das Aufspüren von Inhalten? Ist es deine Passion, wissenschaftliche Inhalte in ansprechende Formate für ein breites Publikum zu verwandeln? Dann könnte dies der richtige Job für dich sein!

Wir suchen dringend eine/n zweisprachigen Redakteur/in, der/die Erfahrung in der Übersetzung und Aufspüren von wissenschaftlichen Inhalten ins Deutsche hat.

Englische Stellenausschreibung siehe unten.

Der/die erfolgreiche Bewerber/in verfügt über:

  • Ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeiten in Englisch und Deutsch
  • Einen Master-Abschluss in der Linguistik (Englisch/Deutsch) oder Wissenschaftskommunikation
  • Einen soliden wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund (vorzugsweise einen Bachelor-Abschluss oder Abitur)
  • Mindestens vier Jahre Berufserfahrung im Übersetzen, Schreiben und Redigieren, vorzugsweise in einem Kommunikationsteam einer großen internationalen Organisation.
  • Ein außergewöhnliches Auge für Details
  • Erfahrung in der Einhaltung von Unternehmensrichtlinien zur Erstellung präziser, überzeugender Texte.
  • Kenntnisse der europäischen Raumfahrtprogramme

Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehören:

  • Übersetzen und Bearbeiten von Texten zur Verbesserung von KI-generierten Inhalten
  • Erstellung und Bearbeitung von Inhalten in deutscher Sprache, darunter Nachrichtenartikel, Pressemitteilungen und Beiträge für soziale Medien, Texte für Druckzwecke usw., wobei eine gleichbleibend hohe Qualität der Sprache und der Erzählstruktur zu gewährleisten ist.
  • Übersetzen, Redigieren und Lokalisieren von Artikeln für Druckzwecke
  • Unterstützung von Kollegen im breiteren EJR-Quartz-Team bei Bedarf

Hört sich das nach Ihnen an? Sagen Sie uns, warum Sie glauben, dass Sie der/die Richtige für diese spannende Aufgabe sind, indem Sie Ihren Lebenslauf und Ihr Anschreiben an schicken oder sich über die sozialen Medien an @ejrquartz wenden.

Sie finden uns auch auf Twitter, Instagram und LinkedIn.

Erfahren Sie mehr über unser Unternehmen und lernen Sie das Team kennen unter:

EJR-Quartz ist ein Arbeitgeber der Chancengleichheit. Wir sind stolz auf unser vielfältiges Team mit einer Vielzahl von Hintergründen, Perspektiven und Fähigkeiten. Je integrativer wir sind, desto besser wird unsere Arbeit sein.

Vertragliche Angelegenheiten

Wir suchen eine Person, die halbtags zur Verfügung stehen kann (0,5 VZÄ). Die Stelle ist außerhalb des Unternehmens angesiedelt und der Vertrag wird von EJR-Quartz BV in den Niederlanden ausgestellt. Freiberufliche Tätigkeit ist möglich. Anfangsdatum so bald wie möglich. 

Einsendeschluss für Bewerbungen: 27. Mai 2024 um 12:30 Uhr MESZ

Gehalt: € 1700-2000 brutto für eine Halbtagsstelle (20 Std./Woche), je nach Erfahrung, Preise für freie Mitarbeit nach Absprache.

Anfangsdatum: so bald wie möglich

Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur Bewerbungen in englischer oder deutscher Sprache berücksichtigt werden können. Während des Bewerbungsverfahrens können wir einen kurzen Check Ihrer Social-Media-Kanäle durchführen. Wenn Sie mit einer solchen Überprüfung nicht einverstanden sind, teilen Sie uns dies bitte bei Ihrer Bewerbung mit. Alle während des Bewerbungsverfahrens erhobenen Daten werden selbstverständlich gemäß der EU-DSGVO verarbeitet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie.

Vacancy: Editor fluent in German and English

***Applications closed***Are you an experienced German-speaking editor with a strong science background and a flair for translating and localising content into German? Is your passion to turn scientific content into engaging materials for a general audience? Then this might be the job for you!

We are urgently looking for a bilingual editor who has experience in translating, localising and curating scientific content in German.

The successful candidate will have:

  • Excellent communication skills in English and German
  • A master’s degree in languages (English/German) or science communication
  • A strong science background (preferably a bachelor’s degree)
  • Minimum of four years’ professional experience in translating, writing and editing, preferably for a communications team of a large international organisation.
  • An exceptional eye for detail
  • Experience of working in compliance with corporate guidelines to create accurate, compelling copy.
  • Knowledge of European Space Programmes

Your tasks will include:

  • Translating and editing texts to help improve AI-generated content
  • Creating and editing content in German, including news articles, press releases, social media posts, copy for print purposes etc., ensuring consistent high quality of the language and narrative structure.
  • Translating, editing and localising articles for print purposes
  • Supporting colleagues as necessary in the wider EJR-Quartz team

Does this sound like you? Tell us why you think you’re the right fit for this exciting role by sending your CV and cover letter to: or reach out via social media to @ejrquartz

You’ll find us on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Learn more about our company and meet the team at:

EJR-Quartz is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud of our diverse team with a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.

Contractual matters

We are looking for a person who can be available half time (0.5 FTE). The position is off site and the contract will be issued by EJR-Quartz BV in the Netherlands. Freelancing is possible. Starting date as soon as possible. 

Closing date for applications: 27 May 2024 at 12:30 CEST

Salary: €1700-2000 gross for a half-time position (20 h/week), depending on experience, freelance rates to be discussed.

Starting date: as soon as possible

Please note that only applications in English or German will be considered. During the application process we may perform a quick check of your social media channels. If you do not agree to such screening, please let us know when you apply. Any data collected during the application process will of course be processed according to EU GDPR. For more information, please check our Data Policy.

Vacancy: Editor for ESA’s Operations activities in Darmstadt, Germany

ESOC's main building.

***Applications closed***  Do you have excellent editorial skills and a flair for storytelling? EJR-Quartz has an immediate opening for a fluent English editor familiar with spacecraft operations activities, to be part of our service team for the European Space Agency, based onsite at ESA’s Operations Centre in Darmstadt, Germany.

We’re looking for an experienced editor to develop inspiring content and creative campaigns for ESA’s Operations Directorate. We seek an individual who shares our passion for creative problem solving and who is able to work collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.

The successful candidate will have:

  • Proficiency in English (mother-tongue or equivalent) and the ability to write and edit independently
  • A Masters degree in communications/journalism or a scientific or technical subject
  • Minimum of 4 years’ professional experience in writing and editing with a flair for marketing
  • Strong content management skills and familiarity with online publishing and social media tools
  • Great communication and networking skills
  • Demonstrable knowledge of communications, marketing and social media strategy
  • Ability to work under pressure and with tight deadlines, both independently and as part of a team
  • Knowledge of another European language is an asset
  • Knowledge of European spacecraft operations is an advantage

Tasks include:

  • Researching and writing/editing content with the aim of publishing news, web stories, blog posts, social media posts, brochures, fact sheets, and other materials promoting the technical and programmatic activities of the directorate
  • Supporting internal communications on the topic by putting together content for newsletters and working with the wider internal communications team
  • Validating information with the relevant technical experts, and ensuring that it is compliant with ESA’s editorial and branding guidelines
  • Coordinating with ESA Corporate Communications to ensure that the content is aligned with ESA’s overall communication strategy
  • Creating and updating content in the content management system
  • Coordinating and implementing the creation of multimedia content for use on different platforms
  • Assisting in devising and implementing a communication strategy

Contractual matters

The successful candidate will be employed directly by EJR-Quartz as part of our service team for ESA. The position is full-time (1 FTE) and onsite at ESA’s Operations Centre in Darmstadt. This is a temporary contract until 31 December 2024, with possibility of renewal. The optimal start date is 1 June 2024.

Candidates must already have a valid residence/working permit for Germany.

Closing date: 6 May 2024 at 12:30 CEST

Salary range: 3800-4200 EUR gross per month, depending on experience.

Learn more about our company and meet the team at:

If you think this is for you, tell us why you’d like to join our team. Please send your cover letter, CV and references to:

EJR-Quartz is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud of our diverse team with a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.

Please note that only applications in English will be considered. During the application process we may perform a check of your social media channels. If you do not agree to such screening, please let us know when you apply. Any data collected during the application process will of course be processed according to EU GDPR. For more information, please check our Data Policy.

(Banner: ESOC’s main facility in Darmstadt, Germany. Credit: ESA)

Vacancy: Communication specialist for ESA’s Ф-Lab

The ESA Φ-lab

***Applications closed***  When was the last time you were in the front row of exciting innovations and your job was all about sharing this enthusiasm with external and internal stakeholders? Time for a change? We are looking for a communications specialist with a passion for space applications, specifically in the Earth observation field.

The position is full-time (1 FTE) for EJR-Quartz under contract to ESA, at ESA’s Earth Observation Centre in Frascati, Italy.

You will help to support Ф-lab communications, campaigns and events and will be responsible for organising outreach activities. As part of the EJR-Quartz for ESA communications team you will liaise closely with the corporate and EO communications teams to plan and coordinate events and materials.

Your main tasks will be to:

  • Produce communication materials for the Ф-lab and InCubed programmes
  • Coordinate the production of content for the Ф-lab websites
  • Support the Ф-lab communication strategy by organising events and press activities, preparing relevant materials, creating promotional campaigns etc.
  • Contribute to the preparation of communications plans and campaigns
  • Produce promotional content for different platforms, including web, social media and print

The successful candidate will have:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Italian
  • A degree in communication, marketing, public relations or events planning
  • A strong interest and background in Earth observation
  • Minimum of 3 years’ experience in a similar role
  • Experience working in an international environment with governmental institutes
  • The capacity to engage and work effectively with people at all levels of an organisation and with the general public
  • Excellent organisational and administrative skills
  • Flexibility and a capacity to adapt to changing circumstances
  • Ability to work calmly and efficiently under pressure

Contractual matters

The successful candidate will be employed directly by EJR-Quartz srl. The position is full-time (1 FTE) onsite at ESRIN, Frascati (Italy). This is a temporary contract until 31 December 2024, with possibility of renewal. The optimal start date is 1 June 2024. Candidates must already have a valid residence/work permit for Italy.

Closing date: 6 May 2024 at 12:30 CEST

Salary range: 3600-4000 EUR gross per month, depending on experience.

Learn more about our company and meet the team at:

If you think this is for you, tell us why you’d like to join our team. Please send your cover letter, CV and references to:

EJR-Quartz is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud of our diverse team with a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.

Please note that only applications in English will be considered. During the application process we may perform a quick check of your social media channels. If you do not agree to such screening, please let us know when you apply. Any data collected during the application process will of course be processed according to EU GDPR. For more information, please check our Data Policy.

(Banner: Observing the Earth. Credit: ESA Φ-lab)

Vacancy: Editor for ESA’s Connectivity and Secure Communications – Harwell, UK

***Applications closed***  Do you have excellent writing skills and the ability to translate science into engaging content for a general audience? Are you looking for your next challenge in science communication? Then we have an exciting opportunity for you!

Working as part of the EJR-Quartz communications service team for the European Space Agency (ESA), you will be based onsite at ESA’s European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT), located at the Harwell Campus for Science and Innovation in the UK.

The successful candidate will have:

  • A degree in communication, journalism or science/engineering
  • Minimum of four years’ professional experience in writing and editing, preferably for a communications team of a large international organisation
  • The ability to present ideas and recommendations persuasively in writing and verbally, geared towards the general public
  • An excellent grasp of the English language (native or equivalent), with an exceptional eye for detail
  • Great communication and networking skills
  • The ability to help plan and implement communication strategies
  • The capacity to conduct interviews in written, audio or video format
  • Experience of working in compliance with corporate guidelines to create accurate, compelling copy
  • A proactive approach to managing projects and the ability to work under pressure and with tight deadlines
  • Great communication and networking skills
  • The ability to help plan and implement communication strategies

We also value:

  • Knowledge of European Space Programmes
  • Knowledge of another European language

Your tasks will include to:

  • Create content for publication on the main ESA corporate communications portal. The content must be accessible to the general public and includes web articles, as well as images and videos
  • Create social media posts for the @ESATelecoms X and LinkedIn accounts and other social media platforms, as required
  • Conduct research into the topics to be covered, working with colleagues in the Directorate of Connectivity and Secure Communications to identify newsworthy content that can be created in a timely fashion
  • Create and edit the content to ensure the high quality of its language and narrative structure, and to ensure it complies with the ESA corporate communications style guide
  • Ensure that all content is approved by the relevant stakeholders
  • Help external partners that seek to issue their own press releases by providing content, such as a quote from the Director of Connectivity and Secure Communications
  • Upload approved content into the content management system
  • Run the @EsaTelecoms X (formerly Twitter) account and coordinate with other relevant social media accounts.
  • Curate the telecommunications section of the ESA corporate communications portal
  • Support colleagues as necessary in ESA-wide corporate communications, including creating content for press releases and ESA Web TV
  • Attend editorial and other meetings as required

Does this sound like you? Tell us why you think you’re the right fit for this exciting role by sending your CV and cover letter to: or reach out via social media to @ejrquartz

You’ll find us on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Learn more about our company and meet the team at:

EJR-Quartz is an equal opportunity employer. We are proud of our diverse team with a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. The more inclusive we are, the better our work will be.

Contractual matters

Candidates must be eligible to live and work in the United Kingdom. The contract will be issued by EJR-Quartz BV in the Netherlands. The position is full-time and onsite at ECSAT, Harwell (UK). This position is temporary until 31 December 2024 with the possibility of renewal. Ideal starting date would be 1 June 2024.

Closing date for applications: 6 May 2024 at 12:30 CEST

Salary: £3800-4200 gross for a full-time position (40 h/week), depending on experience

Starting date: 1 June 2024

Please note that only applications in English will be considered. During the application process we may perform a quick check of your social media channels. If you do not agree to such screening, please let us know when you apply. Any data collected during the application process will of course be processed according to EU GDPR. For more information, please check our Data Policy.

(Banner: ESA’s ECSAT facility in Harwell, UK. Credit: ESA)