A few months ago, I had to find an internship in an English-speaking company for my school’s Cambridge programme. Because Linda Carrette who works at EJR-Quartz and I live near each other, I asked if I could do my internship there. This was allowed so a few months later I had my one week long internship there.
At the start I was very nervous as I barely knew anyone who worked there, but I quickly started worrying less since everyone there was so nice and helpful. After arriving there on Monday and meeting everyone who was present that day, I could start doing small tasks.

The things I did in the past week include doing a small reflection on the site as they wanted to know whether it was fully clear to someone who didn’t exactly know who they were, updating the book list for a future library, making barcodes for the library cards and later making the library cards, translating four scripts for animations about Hera and her job and designing a logo patch for EJR-Quartz.

My favourite thing to do was making the logo patch as I really enjoy almost everything that has anything to do with art. I got to sketch some ideas and later digitalise the final one, I had a lot of fun doing so.
My school also gave me a few assignments to do while at EJR-Quartz, I had to answer a few questions about the workplace and interview two people about their job.

They had no issue with helping me with the questions, and I almost immediately had both interviews planned. I did one with Oana Grigore and one with Mariana, David and Joana from the Science Office.
In the end I was very happy I was able to do my internship at EJR-Quartz. The people were amazing, it felt like they were all one big friend group. At lunch break everyone would sit together, have fun conversations and laugh about the dog Chica asking everyone for a bit of their food.
The work I did was also enjoyable, it was different from what I would normally do in school, and I think I learned quite a lot from only being there for one week. It was a great experience in general and I’m glad I got to do it!