Peter Bickerton

Social Media Editor, Aeolus & Cryosat missions

Peter is Social Media Editor for the European Space Agency’s Aeolus and Cryosat missions.

Once upon a time he was a scientist staring down a microscope at tiny green algae while doing his PhD at the University of Manchester and the Marine Biological Association in Plymouth. He then discovered a passion for communicating that work, becoming Science Communications & Outreach Manager at the Earlham Institute, Norwich, writing articles and designing public events to regale people of the usefulness of genomics and computational biology. He also spent time in Munich, working as Head of Plant Science at the vertical farming company Agrilution.

Peter is also a keen poet, and bard of Thought For Food – an organisation that empowers young changemakers worldwide to uproot the status quo with sustainable solutions to improve food and agriculture.

When he’s not filling his extra time writing freelance science articles, he also loves cricket and football, playing the ukulele and piano, cooking delicious food, growing an expanding collection of plants, and crocheting dragons and unicorns.

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